December 2024
December 2, 2024
Beard's Bulletin:
When we get back from our Winter/Holiday break at the first of the year, academics here at Tiger Creek will be front and center. We have teachers engaging students like never before. For the past three years our English Language Arts teachers have had significant professional development in programs like:
1. Reading 2.0 (student engagement focusing on engaging students with the text)
2. LETRs Training (a huge two-year study for teachers learning how the brain works allowing
students to learn to read as well as phonics and phonemic awareness)
3. A new English Language Arts curriculum mandated by Georgia and tailored to help students with
their language studies and fill in missing gaps
Teachers are working harder than ever to make sure we have great student success. If anyone needs more information on some of these programs please call and we will answer any questions you have. It’s a great year for Academics at Tiger Creek Elementary!
The Dish with Mrs. Dills!
It is so hard to believe that we are just a few short weeks away from 2025! Our students and teachers have worked so hard to adjust to a new reading curriculum and that hard work is paying off. We really are blessed with an incredible staff who truly love children and pour into them every day! As we wrap up the first part of our school year I just want to say how thankful we are for each family who enters the doors at Tiger Creek. Thank you for sharing your children with us. We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
You must have your ID to enter the building.
Counselor's Corner with Mrs. Haynes
TCE Counselor Mrs. Haynes and the Student Leadership Team helped pack 1,713 snack sacks at the November 18th packing at Ringgold United Methodist Church. RUMC volunteers said TCE students were exceptionally focused and hard working. Student Leadership sends a shout out to the RUMC volunteers who prepare and deliver the sacks each week--thank you!
TCE business partners, staff, and friends sponsored over 80 Santa Sacks for students this Christmas. Santa Sacks add some extra Christmas spirit to our student body at this time of year, and it's Mrs. Haynes's favorite thing ever. Thank YOU Santa Sack sponsors for the joy you bring!
Rex, the Tiger Creek bearded dragon, sends his love to students and their families. Be sure to get through the holidays like Rex does--find a warm spot, take deep breaths, close your eyes, and rest! Happy Holidays!
Catoosa County Stocking Full of Love applications open on Monday, November 18th and will close on Tuesday, December 2nd. Please click the link below to find out more information on applying.
Tiger Creek has set up a Stocking Full of Love donation box in the school lobby. If you are able, please send in one unwrapped toy for a child in Catoosa County. TCE will be collecting toys until Monday, December 16th. Thanks for helping give a child in Catoosa County a WONDERFUL Christmas!
TCE Annual Talent Show: Christmas at the Creek!
Come join us for our annual Talent Show! We have student singers, dancers, and so much more! December 5th in the Rodney Thompson Auditorium at Tiger Creek @ 6:00pm
Admission $2.
Upcoming Dates at the Creek!
Dec. 2nd-6th -TCE Penguin Patch
Dec. 3 -5th Grade Parent Lunch & Learn
Dec 5 -Talent Show Performance 6:00-7:30pm
Dec. 12 -Cookies & Cocoa with Santa 5:30-6:30pm
Dec 13 -PBIS Winter Wonderland Reward Day!
Dec. 16 -TCE Chorus Field Trip
Jan 7 -Skip the Car Rider Line Ticket Sale
Jan 16th & 17th -Tiger Pride Days
Jan 20 -MLK Day, No School
Jan 21 -Georgia Power Educational visit
Jan 24 -QUEST Student (4th/5th grades) field trip
Jan 28 -Catoosa County District Spelling Bee, 6pm
Dear Parents/Guardians,
It is that time of year, where we see lots of flu and upper respiratory illnesses. To help keep illness from spreading throughout the school please keep your child at home if they have any of the following symptoms:
• Temperature above 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
• Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours
• First 24 hours of antibiotic therapy for contagious illness
Guidelines for sending a child back to school following an illness:
If a child has been sick with fever, vomiting or diarrhea they should NOT return to school until they have been fever free, no vomiting or diarrhea for a 24 hour period without the use of any medications.
If you have any questions, or concerns please call me at 706-935-0727 or email at ssykora.tce@catoosa.k12.ga.us.
Nurse Sherri
Communities in School Spotlight!
TCE Communities in School Site Coordinator
Articles are turned in to the Lost and Found all year long, but really pile up when cool weather sets in.
To minimize the loss of an item, please write your child's name on the INSIDE label of clothing and also write with a permanent marker on water bottles, lunch boxes, and other items. Then, if found, it can easily be returned.
Sadly, many found items are never claimed.
Tiger Creek Parent Involvement
The Title I Family Resource Center is a dedicated space in our school for families. Located in room 100, our Family Resource Center is a place for parents to meet and work on school volunteer projects and to obtain helpful information. Title I documents, community events and resources, and the Parent Resource Library are located here. The Resource Library can be used by parents to help their student(s) reach their full potential. We have books and academic materials such as flash cards, Leap Frogs, and learning games that can be checked out by parents to use at home to help improve their reading and math skills. These items can help make learning more fun and exciting. Contact Mrs. Bridges to check something out.
If you have any needs, suggestion or questions about TITLE 1, the PAW Pad, or about the Parent Involvement Coordinator, please contact me:
Email: sbridges.tce@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Office Phone: 706-935-0755
Office Hours: 7:30-11:30, Monday-Friday
Please visit the following link to view the District and School Policies. https://tce.catoosa.k12.ga.us/title_i/policies___plans
Also, please check out the Family Engagement eLibrary offered by The Parent Institute. It has a wide range of online brochures, booklets and books on academic skills as well as parent topics such as positive behavior, motivation, and more. Most of the items are offered in Spanish as well as English. Click the link below:
TCE Parent Involvement Coordinator, Sara Bridges, is happy to help you locate the resources you need and answer any questions you may have. She is available Monday - Friday from 7:30 am to 11:30 am. We encourage you to stop by and see what the Family Resource Center has to offer!
Attention Bus Riders!!!!
For questions about which bus(es) your child will ride, please go here and enter your child's grade level and street address. The login for ELink is catoosa and the password is transportation. If your child is a new bus rider, please click New Bus Rider Request to fill out a new rider request form.
We are looking for substitutes at Tiger Creek! If you are interested, please email Mrs. Bridges for more information. sbridges.tce@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Catoosa County Library
The Catoosa County Library has a lot of exciting events in December such as Rockin' Reindeer Bash, Gingerbread House Pottery, Storytime with Santa, and more!. Click the link to see what's happening at our local library.